Alexandria Braie Emerges Babcock’s Best Graduating Student [2016/17]

Alexandria Braie, 22, of the Department of Accounting, School of Management Sciences, Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, Ogun State, has emerged the best graduating student of the institution with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.90 in the 2016/2017 academic session.

Alexandria Braie was among the 90 First Class students out of a total of 1,807 graduates the institution produced in the 2016/2017 academic session.
Surprisingly, Braie beat Temitope Odunayo Nwachukwu of the department of Chemistry, School of Science and Technology, who had a CGPA of 4.91 because she stood out at the undergraduate programmes in leadership, community and spiritual , aside just academics.

Ms. Braie aspires to be a Chartered Accountant and a consultant.

Lawrence Folajimi Awosika Is Re-Elected UNCLCS Chairman [2017-22]

Professor Lawrence Folajimi Awosika, has been re-elected as Chairman of the United Nation’s Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) [2017].

Professor Lawrence Folajimi Awosika polled 154 out of 157 votes to emerge Chair of the prestigious 21-person UN scientific body.

Continue reading Lawrence Folajimi Awosika Is Re-Elected UNCLCS Chairman [2017-22]

3 Nigerians Receive 2017 NMS Fellows Award

Three (3) eminent Nigerian Mathematicians and Scientists; namely Professors: Jerome Ajayi Adepoju, Alexander O. E. Animalu and Iheanyichukwu Sylvester Iwueze have been inducted as Fellows of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS) thereby receiving the 2017 NMS Fellows Award.

Professor Francis Kofi Ampenyin Allotey, a renowned Ghanaian Mathematician and Scientist was also inducted as Fellow of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS).

The 2017 NMS Fellows Award was in recognition of their outstanding contributions towards the advancement of mathematics, science and technology in Africa and across the globe.

John-Paul Nwaezeigwe Is Saint Mary’s University Overall Best [2016/17]

John-Paul Nwaezeigwe has obtained two majors (Political Science & Economics) with a First Class and best overall at Saint Mary’s University, Canada [2016-2017].

According to John-Paul Nwaezeigwe;

“From an early age I discovered my passion for politics, public policy discussion and government. As a student born and raised in Nigeria, these topics where never far from every day conversation as well as academic debates. This passion was key in my decision to pursue a double major in Economics and Political Science at Saint Mary’s University.

My honors thesis is in the subfield of International Relations. With my research, I aim to investigate and better understand the implementation of humanitarian intervention in the world during conflicts especially in developing countries. I am looking forward to working on my thesis which will be a rewarding challenge in my academic journey here at Saint Mary’s University.”


Akinwumi Adesina Honored With 2017 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award

The President of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), Akinwumi Adesina, has been honored with the 2017 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award by the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) in Washington, DC.

The 2017 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award is in recognition of Adesina’s life-long work towards advancing agricultural development, which has contributed significantly to food security, particularly in Africa.

“A champion of nutrition, Dr. Adesina co-hosted the first official meeting of the African Leaders for Nutrition in 2016, and serves on the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition,” the organisation said.

In his acceptance speech, Akinwumi Adesina underscored the importance of food, nutrition and the need to banish hunger and famine in a world full of surplus food and over-consumption, where annual food losses in developing countries are estimated to be US $310 billion.

In Africa’s case, food wasted can feed 300 million people in a continent where 250 million do not have enough food each day, he said, emphasizing the need to reduce food losses along the food chain, improve food distribution and target supplementary food supplies to poorer households.

“It is not just a social issue or just a health issue. Economic progress in the continent is being undermined by malnutrition which costs African economies around 11% of GDP annually – at least $25 billion annually in Sub-Saharan Africa. Malnutrition leaves a lasting legacy of pain and loss. Stunted children today leads to stunted economies tomorrow,” he said. In the course of a distinguished career as agricultural economist, development expert, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and President of the AfDB, Adesina has spared no effort to make agriculture the centre-piece of economic transformation, jobs creation and overall well-being of people.

Dr. Akinwumi Adesina concluded his remarks by quoting the renowned Greek physician, Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food”.

The 2017 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award complements a long list of global laurels earned for Adesina’s leadership and work in agriculture. In 2010, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed him as one of 17 global leaders to spearhead the Millennium Development Goals, along with Bill Gates, the Spanish Prime Minister and the President of Rwanda. He was named Person of the Year by Forbes Africa magazine in 2013.

The Global Child Nutrition Foundation is a network of governments, businesses, and civil society organizations working together to support school meal programs that help children and communities thrive. GCNF provides training, technical assistance, and networking opportunities to help governments build national school meal programs that are nutritious, locally-sourced, and ultimately independent from international aid.

The Award for Child Nutrition was created in 2004 to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the worldwide dream of ending childhood hunger. The award is given in the name of Gene White, who has dedicated her life to the nutrition and well-being of children.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Honoured With Mary McCarthy Award [2017]

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on invitation to Bard College, has been presented with the Mary McCarthy Award for her brilliantly written novels and her captivating public persona.

The McCarthy award which is named after famous novelist Mary McCarthy who taught at Bard for a year, is given in acknowledgement of engagement in the public sphere by an intellectual, artist, or writer.

Continue reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Honoured With Mary McCarthy Award [2017]