Olive Centre For Peace And Relief Aid Initiatives (PEACE CORD): A Holistic Development And Humanitarian Aid NGO In Nigeria, West Africa

Olive Centre for Peace and Relief Aid Initiatives (also known as PEACE CORD) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan holistic development and humanitarian aid non-governmental organisation in Nigeria.

The organization promotes intra, inter and multi-religious action towards promoting peace, managing conflicts, providing relief aid, protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable livelihoods of vulnerable groups in fragile communities where the need is greatest.

Olive Center For Peace And Relief Aid Initiatives (Peace Cord) - Mr. Ameh Kenneth Seidu
Mr. Ameh Kenneth Seidu (Country Lead/CEO, PEACE CORD Nigeria)


Olive Centre for Peace and Relief Aid Initiatives (also known as PEACE CORD) was launched into the deep to provide sustainable solutions to the most delicate, complex and multifaceted problem of man-kind “Poverty”. Poverty has remained in every fabric of human community since inception normally caused by man-made and natural disaster. The centre’s selling point is its working ability and thriving systems to transform individuals, organizations and societies thus reducing poverty to its minimum and promoting quality of human life. We respond to the greatest challenges of Nigeria. PEACE CORD continues to work on challenges of unemployed, uneducated, unengaged youth population, Climate Change and poor environmental practices, contest for natural resources and conflicts, Weak governance and institutions, Sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls, Human rights and persecution of religious communities for a sustainable, inclusive, stable and democratic nation. PEACE CORD is open to building partnerships and networking to achieve the SGDs. Let’s transform the world and make it a peaceful place for generations to come!



Olive Centre for Peace and Relief Aid Initiatives (also known as PEACE CORD) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that started operations in August 2018 promoting intra, inter and multi-religious action towards promoting peace, managing conflicts, providing relief aid, protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable livelihoods of vulnerable groups in fragile communities where the need is greatest. The Centre started operations in 2018 but got registered approval in 2023 with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) registration number (RC) 6871738 as a non-governmental organization with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Federal Republic of Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Decree No 1 1990 (Part C Incorporated Trustees). The Center also completed its registration with Federal Inland Service (FIRS), and SCUML. Since inception, PEACE CORD has worked in 16 States in Nigeria.

PEACE CORD corporate identity & strategic direction is focused on a learning-team sharing their common faith, beliefs and skills-set to deliver high quality programmes in fragile contexts where the need is greatest.

VISION: A transformed global community where Peace, Social Justice and Freedom are sustainable.

MISSION: To protect and promote holistic development through stakeholders’ advocacy engagements for the purpose and pursuit of Peace, Social Justice, and Freedom for all.


  • Respect: We treat all people with dignity and respect.
  • Stewardship: We honour our heritage by being socially, financially, and environmentally responsible.
  • Ethics: We strive to meet the highest ethical standards.
  • Learning: We challenge each other to strive for excellence and to continually learn.
  • Partnership: We are ready to work with stakeholders having mutual understanding of pooling resources together for the benefit of all in a transparency, accountability and trustworthy way.
  • Quality of Life: We work to improve the quality of life of individuals and communities using appropriate interventions so that people are enabled to live fulfilled lives.

Olive Centre for Peace and Relief Aid Initiatives (PEACE CORD) is saddled with the responsibility of tackling the causes and consequences of conflicts and poverty through integrated programming approaches to promote peace, development and economic prosperity. PEACE CORD presently and primarily reaches out to vulnerable women, youths and children in fragile locations where its trained interfaith peace teams (IP-Teams) exist in the North East Region (Gombe, Bauchi, Adamawa, Borno and Taraba), North West Region (Jigawa, Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna and Kebbi) South East Region (Enugu) and Middle belt (Plateau, Benue, Niger, Nasarawa, Kogi and Abuja) Nigeria, where communities have been ravaged by conflicts, disasters, terrorism, political apathy, religious intolerance, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), social injustice, cultural imperialism and unfavourable legal frame works and structural violence against women, youths and children.

PEACE CORD current activities include training courses, workshops, seminars, consultancy, and mentorship for MDAs, religious organizations, private organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGO). It engages communities through its thematic programme areas thus, Conflict Transformation and Peace Building, Relief Aid and Disaster Response, Food Security & Livelihood, Climate Justice and Environmental Sustainability, Advocacy and Good Governance, Education, Gender and Development, Institutional Development and Partnerships.

PEACE CORD has a Constitution, Conditions of Service, Policies, 5-years country strategy (2024-2028) and operational plan that serve as guide for smooth running of the centre. PEACE CORD is structured to partner and network with national & international NGOs, MDAs, business development firms, religious organizations and individuals with similar passion to achieve the centre’s vision and mission. It does its work through funds mobilization from project proposal writing, consultancies, workshop/trainings to address poverty, conflicts, meet humanitarian needs and dysfunctional organizational systems.  PEACE CORD has accessed funding support for short term projects from Seek Peace USA, Bellwether International UK, and FoRB Women’s Alliance USA. The centre works with its country management team, staff and pool of community volunteers to deliver consultancies, projects and programmes in its thematic focus areas.


PEACE CORD constituted its International Advisory Board and Core Management Team to provide support in running the affairs of the center in January 2023. The seven-member international advisory board are resident in Nigeria, Brazil, USA and UK. Board members’ meet quarterly to discuss key matters of the center and fulfil their roles in resources mobilization, network building and rendering technical support and advise.


  • Society on monitoring, evaluation, and accountability network (SMEAN) Nigeria
  • Gender Advocacy and Human Rights Network
  • Nigerian Environment Society (NES)
  • Centre for Management Development (CMD) Nigeria
  • Disrupt Development (DD) Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Gender Champions Forums Nigeria
  • Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA)
  • Do-No-Harm Network Nigeria
  • West Africa Network on Peace (WANEP)
  • Plateau Peace Practitioners Network (PPPN)


  • Bellwether International UK
  • FORB Women’s Alliance USA
  • Seek Peace UK
  • Faithway Peace Foundation Jos Plateau State Nigeria
  • FALEAD School of Peace Studies (FSPS) Jos Plateau State Nigeria
  • Research Centre for Peace and Development (RCPD) Abuja Nigeria


Link to some FoRB action plan activities’ report:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1252oedwei27s3qxaTihB_tah0T5OSYIV/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107124664288176255519&rtpof=true&sd=true

Link to some FoRB success stories: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FvRRw3x6vyFMxZ1YeH7udrFt1uD_ryis/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107124664288176255519&rtpof=true&sd=true)


Olive Centre for Peace and Relief Aid Initiatives (PEACE CORD) organizes annual trainings for individuals, organizations and Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in Nigeria. PEACE CORD partner with relevant experts and professionals from national and international institutions and organizations to deliver trainings, consultancies and strengthen organization systems for sustainability of organization’s operations and programmes.


S/N Course Title

Aimed to clarify the thematic of interest and the level of intensity and applicability to public or private sectors / NGO practitioners.

Course Description

Gives an overview of the trainings and their objectives explained for better understanding to interested participants.

LOCATION (All workshop venues will be announced to registered participants)  DATE SCHEDULE (Registration closes two (2) days to the training date) Fee (All payments should be made to organization account provided below)
1 Conflict and fragility management workshop (Basic) This course is fundamentally based on helping participants understanding conflict and fragility in specific local and the entire global context with apt role of multi-national and bi-lateral organizations in promoting and protecting peace. Participants will be equipped with the capacity to monitor, prevent and manage conflicts and fragility in all sphere. This course will be facilitated by global experts and professionals working in the field of conflict and fragility management. It is designed for participants from INGOs, NGOs, Private Sectors, Government Agencies, Religious Institutions, Security Agencies, Humanitarian Aid workers and interested individuals. Plateau State, Nigeria Tues 20th – Fri 24th February 2024 100,000 ($75USD)
2 Conflict and Fragility Management Workshop (Advance) This is an in-depth course designed for participants to be equipped with the skills to design, deliver and report projects and programmes on conflict and fragility rested individuals. Conflict has become the regular experience in societies with a low number of skilled hands to join in resolving using the various contemporary and indigenous methods. This course delivers on critical analysis of conflicts, understanding the fragile nature of conflicts and importance to have them managed to avoid escalation at different fronts and levels. It treats participants in understanding how conflicts escalates from simple situations to becoming more complex phenomenon that affects socio-political and economic businesses. This is designed for senior officials of private and public organizations in leadership positions. Plateau State Nigeria Tues 28th – Fri 31st May 2024 100,000 ($75USD)
3 Advocacy and Governance Workshop The social and professional work in a society advances better when a cause is pursued for change, transformation, and development. This course will train participants on understanding Advocacy and its importance in the working world and how it enables implementation of action points for change. The course trains participants on matters of Governance in the private and public sectors and at various levels of society. It will build the skills of participants in ensuring a strong and effective governance practice. It looks at how advocacy and governance work together to make society more responsive considering contemporary challenges, governance at all levels, and workability of the various sectors in society. Basics of the principles and practice of Good Governance will be applied to the general governance practice. FCT Abuja Nigeria Mon 18th – Fri 22nd March 2024 70,000 ($60USD)
4 Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (DMEAL) Workshop One of the thematic required in an organization is the DMEAL. An organization tends to have a better understanding of its activities impact through the DMEAL which enable it to either maintain or strategies its approach towards achieving set objectives within a set timeframe. Designing, planning, implementing, and evaluating plays key role to measure successes, failures, and take lessons for better implementation. DMEAL is introduced in small and large projects to enable impact and proper reporting to donors, the beneficiaries, and public. Bauchi State Nigeria Mon 22nd – 26th Fri April 2024 100,000 ($75USD)
5 Executive Leadership and Management Leadership is the driver of development in every unit of the society. Good leadership results to progress and better standards. Leadership can be identified in various levels of society. This training workshop teaches participants to develop effective leadership knowledge and practical skills for better performance. The training also builds the participants’ skills on better management of resources and channel them for societal development. It helps leaders develop the required executive leadership skills and on how to effectively become a good manager of human and financial resources, organization, partnerships, and time. FCT Abuja Nigeria Tues 25th – 28th Fri June 2024 100,000 ($75USD)
6 Disaster and Humanitarian Aid Workshop Disasters are bound to happen with their significant impact. Most disasters have both human and material losses, causing instability and suffering. This training helps the participants understand the types and how disasters occur, how it affects stability, thereby requiring humanitarian aid. Concrete cases of disasters and the humanitarian assistance from local, national, and international sources will be treated. The engagement of both civilian and military components in humanitarian interventions and aid to largely affected population will be treated. Professionalism in unilateral and collaborative aid will be treated in the workshop. Conditions for the repatriation of IDPs and refugees and the modalities will also be exanimated. Kaduna State Nigeria Mon 21st – Fri 25th Oct 2024 70,000 ($60USD)
7 Proposal Writing and Budgeting Activities and projects are initiated and shaped by proposal writing. Proposal writing requires skills to successfully access funding. Proposal writing helps the target recipient understand what the objective and central request is about. A proposal is incomplete without its budget. Budget deals with the financial implications of the proposed activities shared with a potential funder and the engine that enables implementation. Many organizations have the desire to access funds for their programs but lack the capacity in developing standard proposals and budgets. This training teaches the foundation on good proposal writing and budgeting for a potential funding. Benue State Nigeria Tues 30th July – 2nd Aug 2024 70,000 ($60USD)
8 Fundraising and Financial Sustainability for NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations rely mostly on fundraising to successfully operate, implement activities, and make impact. Fundraising is an area of the NGO sector that plays important role in identifying potential funders and presenting solicited and unsolicited proposals or letters of intent for the funder to approve. This training will teach participants on the different ways of fundraising. With contemporary events in the world, there are low funds available to access. The training will teach participants how to become relevant to the funder`s interest for possible support and sustainability of NGO programs. FCT Abuja Nigeria Mon 23rd – Fri 27th Sept 2024 100,000 ($75USD)


This is a sponsored post by Olive Centre for Peace and Relief Aid Initiatives (PEACE CORD)

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