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Section 3: Geology

The section is aimed at promoting knowledge and practice of the field of geology in Nigeria.

A word puzzle and Sudoku puzzle will be required to be solved. Two separate winners can emerge in this section accordingly.

Reward: ₦10,000 cash prize for this section.

Word puzzle: ₦5,000 - only 1st position.

Sudoku: ₦5,000 - only 1st position.

The word puzzle and Sudoku for this section will be posted by 12am on the 6th of August, 2019.

Thank you.

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Uploaded files:
  • FGA-Ogbe-Geology-Wordpuzzle-2019.JPG
  • FGA-Ogbe-Sudoku-2019.JPG
Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292

Attached are two files, a schematic I did colored lines and another on a paper that showed how I was able to derive them.

*Sorry, just one file please.*

I could not find a better way to get it done within the time frame.



Uploaded files:
  • 20190806-020044.png

Attached is a snapshot of the solved SUDOKU.


The double lines show a demarcation.


Uploaded files:
  • 15650567552941970342741.jpg
Quote from Buikem2019 on August 6, 2019, 2:04:28 AM

Attached are two files, a schematic I did colored lines and another on a paper that showed how I was able to derive them.

*Sorry, just one file please.*

I could not find a better way to get it done within the time frame.



Here's a second file showing schematics of how I got the words

Uploaded files:
  • 1565075365225941616247.jpg

Answer to Sudoku

9, 2, 7, 6, 1, 8, 4, 3, 5

6, 4, 3, 5, 2, 9, 7, 1, 8

1, 5, 8, 3, 4, 7, 9, 2, 6

3, 9, 2, 8, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1

7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 2, 3, 8, 9

5, 8, 1, 9, 6, 3, 2, 7, 4

2, 7, 9, 4, 8, 1, 5, 6, 3

4, 1, 5, 7, 3, 6, 8, 9, 2

8, 3, 6, 2, 9, 5, 1, 4, 7


Ayodeji Olowolagba

Answer to crossword puzzle

1. Gold

2. Plate

3. Salt

4. Flood

5. Formation

6. Geologist

7. Basin

8. Crust

9. Clay

10. Nature

11. Hydrology

12. Soil

13. Magma

14. Earth

15. Quarry

16. Fossil

17. Petrology

18. Mantle

19. Logging

20. Strata


Ayodeji Olowolagba

Puzzle solution is attached

Uploaded files:
  • IMG_20190806_102206_800.JPG

Sudoku winner: Chibuikem (5,000 Naira)

Word search winners: Chibuikem and Ayodeji (2,500 Naira each). The rationale is because Chibuikem posted first but with 19 words marked and identified and later modified (Earth) as can be seen on the time stamps after Ayodeji had correctly identified the 20 words but had not encircled or marked them accordingly, which he later on did. Hope this is a beneficial solution for everyone as consistent with the rules of fairness and transparency.


Congratulations and thank you.

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292
Quote from dejt4u on August 6, 2019, 10:24:17 AM

Puzzle solution is attached

Excellent presentation by the way.

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292
Quote from Toju Ogbe on August 6, 2019, 10:40:08 AM

Sudoku winner: Chibuikem (5,000 Naira)

Word search winners: Chibuikem and Ayodeji (2,500 Naira each). The rationale is because Chibuikem posted first but with 19 words marked and identified and later modified (Earth) as can be seen on the time stamps after Ayodeji had correctly identified the 20 words but had not encircled or marked them accordingly, which he later on did. Hope this is a beneficial solution for everyone as consistent with the rules of fairness and transparency.


Congratulations and thank you.

At 6:13am that I submitted my answer to the puzzle, I would have uploaded the cross out too but that wasn't in the instruction. The question IMO is to find the 20 words and I found it first.


Anyway, congrats to chibuikem and thank you too admin for this forum game. Happy birthday to him

Dear Ayodeji, thank you for your submissions and best wishes.

Just to clarify, our instruction on the word puzzle (search) is this: "...required to be solved." and not "to find 20 words", which you thought in your opinion. The '20 words' only comes in as a hint provided. We could have as well also left out this hint and the puzzle would still be required to be solved by the marking of the words accordingly as the norm (largely) for word puzzles.

Also, just to add that even if the instruction is, as you had thought "to find 20 words", the find in this context by general rule of solving word puzzles would still be to mark out the words and not necessarily to only list them out unless if explicitly stated to do so.

I hope this helps. Again, thanks and congratulations!

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292
Quote from Toju Ogbe on August 6, 2019, 4:32:40 PM

Dear Ayodeji, thank you for your submissions and best wishes.

Just to clarify, our instruction on the word puzzle (search) is this: "...required to be solved." and not "to find 20 words", which you thought in your opinion. The '20 words' only comes in as a hint provided. We could have as well also left out this hint and the puzzle would still be required to be solved by the marking of the words accordingly as the norm (largely) for word puzzles.

Also, just to add that even if the instruction is, as you had thought "to find 20 words", the find in this context by general rule of solving word puzzles would still be to mark out the words and not necessarily to only list them out unless if explicitly stated to do so.

I hope this helps. Again, thanks and congratulations!

Alright sir. Thanks for the clarification

So much appreciation to the sponsor and organisers of this quiz, I've just been credited with my reward of 7,500 naira as promised.

Thank you so much Positive Naija Team!


Thank you Chibuikem for your acknowledgements, participation and prize confirmations.

Congratulations again!

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292