PositiveNaija Q&A Forum

PositiveNaija Q&A Forum is a question-and-answer platform focused on constructive discussions on the development of Nigeria and Nigerians.

Please freely express yourself and we only ask that you keep your posts polite, factual, relevant as well as well-framed. In extreme circumstances, we may remove posts that violate this prescription.

Nigeria and Nigerians

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PositiveNaija Q&A Forum Rules

Please adhere to the following Forum rules:

  1. Please search the forum before creating a new topic.
  2. Please post all questions/answers in the right section, do not post false information and do not derail threads by posting off topic.
  3. Do not instigate or support: abuse; violence; racism; tribalism: no ethnic/tribal profiling whether positive or negative (geographical references are allowed).
  4. Do not spam the forum by advertising in the wrong places or posting the same content many times.
  5. Do not violate the privacy of any people e.g. by posting their private pictures, information, or chats without permission.
  6. Do not attempt to post censored words by misspelling them.
  7. Do not promote shady/questionable investment schemes.
  8. Please spell words correctly when you post, and try to use perfect grammar and punctuation.
  9. Contact us if you require additional assistance


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