PositiveNaija Q&A Forum

PositiveNaija Q&A Forum is a question-and-answer platform focused on constructive discussions on the development of Nigeria and Nigerians.

Please freely express yourself and we only ask that you keep your posts polite, factual, relevant as well as well-framed. In extreme circumstances, we may remove posts that violate this prescription.

Nigeria and Nigerians

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Good day everyone, welcome to this trading arena.

Kindly make your single submission as an individual or organisation in the following format:

  1. Full names
  2. Phone number
  3. Social media
  4. Email address
  5. Address (if necessary)
  6. Your offer: skills, knowledge, products and/or services.
  7. Picture of offer if available (all offers must be put into a single photo)
  8. Your preferred want.

Please demonstrate credibility and accuracy in your submissions.

No chat discussions are allowed on this Topic. However, this can be done on the Chat Topic created for this Trade by Barter.

Thank you.

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292

Organisation: PositiveNaija

Phone number/WhatsApp: 09064503292

Social media: Twitter/IG: PositiveNaija_1 | Facebook: positivenaija1960

Email: positivenaija@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.positivenaija.com

Offer: Advertisement; Publicity; Online Competitions; Research; and Advisory services.

Want: Anything of value.

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292

3MC (Music And Movie Meca Co. #BN:2388812)



Handle on "Songbay", "Reverbnation", "Soundcloud", "LinkedIn" & "Instagram":

Valuable professional service on:
Songwriting (in any genre of client's interest),
Copywriting (for advertising media),
Soundtracks (for movie and game productions sync) and
Jingle creation (for birthdays/ anniversaries and commercial promotions)

Want: A studio production section of the SONG/JINGLE of your choice (for you)
Extra production of a SONG/JINGLE of my choice (to add to my portfolio...)

Creative-writer/ Songwriter/ Copywriter