PositiveNaija Q&A Forum

PositiveNaija Q&A Forum is a question-and-answer platform focused on constructive discussions on the development of Nigeria and Nigerians.

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November 2022

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15. D

The winners for this edition are as follows:

  1. 1st - Yitnan David Mangtu: 14/15 (10:04:53 AM)
  2. 2nd - Zino Orere: 14/15 (10:05:03 AM)
  3. 3rd - Israel Orere: 14/15 (10:05:09 AM) ahead of Emmanuel Adetayo, Afor Iteire and Michael Onoruoiza (14/15)

Congratulations and thanks to everyone.


Answers to the quiz questions can be accessed here: https://www.positivenaija.com/2022-coga-cathedral-bible-quiz/

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292

You are also, all welcome to participate in the 2022 Infinite Global Tutors Creative Story Writing Challenge.

Publish/advertise your content on our blog website permanently and have it on Google for only 10,000 Naira. +2349064503292

Prize Received with Many Thanks.

More Blessings 🙏♥️

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