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Search by Nigerian Police Officers

Can you be searched by Nigerian Police Officers?


Generally, the Police Act 2020 and other laws empower the men and officers of the Nigerian Police to conduct a search on a person, his or her residence or even property. However, there are certain restrictions which the law places on the power of security agents to conduct searches.

A police officer is not permitted to conduct a search on a person or his or her property if there is no reasonable ground for suspicion - See Section 49(2)(b) of the Police Act 2020.

Also, a police officer must be in his or her uniform or wear a valid police identity card before he or she can stop and search a person. The police officer must also disclose his or her name, name of the police station he or she is attached to, and the purpose of the search - See Section 50(3)(4) of the Police Act 2020.

Thank you Ebuka.

Public notice: please send in your comments, questions or observations you might have in this regard. Thank you.

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