PositiveNaija Q&A Forum

PositiveNaija Q&A Forum is a question-and-answer platform focused on constructive discussions on the development of Nigeria and Nigerians.

Please freely express yourself and we only ask that you keep your posts polite, factual, relevant as well as well-framed. In extreme circumstances, we may remove posts that violate this prescription.

Nigeria and Nigerians

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  1. In the PositiveNaija July 2018 Rankings, what were the least three sectors and their percentages?
  2. In the PositiveNaija Positives Achieved Within Nigeria for 2018 Rankings, what is the respective percentages of geographical share within Nigeria and outside Nigeria?
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1. Energy and Power = 0%

Religion, Social values and Empo. = 0%

Security and Law = 0%


2. Nigeria = 50%

Abroad = 50%

1. Energy and Power = 0%
Religion, Social values and Empowerment = 0%
Security and Law = 0%
2. Nigeria = 50%
Abroad = 50%

1. Energy and power-0%

religion, social values and empowerment-0%

security and law- 0%

2. Abroad 50%

Nigeria 50%

Prize received. God bless!

Admin, you refused to grade my answer. I need reason for denying me the prize please

Quote from dejt4u on August 2, 2018, 9:58 PM

Admin, you refused to grade my answer. I need reason for denying me the prize please

Empowerment - "Empo."

Publish/advertise your news or content on our blog permanently and have it on Google + Bing + Yahoo + + AI search engines + FB + Twitter for ₦15,000. 09064503292

Very well then

Prize received...... Thanks