Ese Brume has jumped the farthest mark in the world in 2023, winning the women’s long jump event at the 2023 Botswana Grand Prix with a season best of 6.77 meters held in Gaborone, Botswana.
Brume who was second-best almost throughout, had to wait for her sixth and final attempt to displace Burkina Faso’s Koala Marthe.
At 6.77 meters, Ese Brume set a new World lead time ahead of India’s Shaili Singh 6.76 meters jump at the AFI Indian Grand Prix 4 Athletics held earlier this month.
Marthe jumped: 6.24 meters| 6.69 meters |6.46 meters|6.51 meters|6.68 meters|x to take Silver.
Brume jumped: 6.65 meters|6.61 meters|6.41 meters|x|x| 6.77 meters (+0.6m/s) to take Gold.
Germany’s Luzulo Marilyse finished third with a 6.61 meters jump.
The 2023 Botswana Grand Prix is the year’s second World Athletics Continental Tour Gold meeting which commenced on Saturday, April 29, 2023.