Nelson Emeka Develops Prototype Truck Powered By Solar Energy Or By Waste

Nelson Emeka has developed a prototype truck that can either be powered by solar energy or by the waste that they carry.

According to him:

“My tech team members today adopted one of my early works as tool/prototype to be used in our quest to design trucks for waste management that will be powered either by the waste they carry or solar.

I laugh at myself when I see some of these my early works because they tends to look childish a times to me but the truth is that, that was where my my journey began.”

IVM Fabricates Parts of the Nigerian Air Force’s MB-339 Aircraft

Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM) Company locally modifies and overhaul the brake assembly of the Nigerian Air Force’s MB-339 aircraft for adoption on the Alpha Jets.

According to the Director, Public Relations and Information of the Nigerian Air Force, Capt. Ayodele Famuyiwa:

“The company, at a time when the NAF would have been forced to ground its entire fleet of Alpha Jets due to lack of brake assembly, had helped to locally modify and overhaul the brake assembly of the MB-339 aircraft for adoption on the Alpha Jets.

This ingenious effort by IVM is instrumental to the continued operation of the Alpha Jets, and had helped to save the day when help was not forthcoming from abroad.”

Verge POS Emerge Mobile Premier Awards Finalist [2016]

Francis Usifo, founder of Verge POS, has been named as one of the finalist to compete at the finals of the 10th Mobile Premier Awards (MPA) in Barcelona, Spain.

Alongside 15 other contestants, Mr. Usifo will pitch his innovation before an international jury of experts and professionals to compete for the Best App of the Year.

Founder of Verge POS, Usifo, won the Appcircus Lagos event last October [2015] to qualify as a finalist for the Mobile Premier Awards.

CEO of AppCircus, Carles Ferreiro, the mobile apps events culminating in the Mobile Premier Awards, revealed how they have evolved:

“In this decade mobile innovation has changed radically. The projects have gone from being focused on technology to focusing on solving the needs of users, with apps flooding our everyday lives. The apps have come to reflect the concerns of our time recently, so the focus is on user empowerment and collaborative economy, in fact this year we see many such examples at the MPA.

The mobile industry and especially apps have staged one of the biggest social changes of the last decade and this trans-formative process is in full swing.

According to recent studies, in 2015 apps were already the world’s largest channel of content distribution and services, having surpassed such established industries as cinema or video games.”

Organizers of the event say a prestigious international jury will select the three best apps that will receive the following prizes: Best App of the Year, for best overall app; Best Audience Award, as voted for by the public, and the Big Impact Award, given to the app with most impact of people’s day-to-day lives.