Jowhor Ile, has emerged winner of the 2016 Etisalat Literature Prize for his book: And after Many Days, published in Nigeria by Kachifo Limited, which depicts originality of voice, literary excellence and African sensibility.
Jowhor Ile becomes the first Nigerian to win the award as past winners of the Prize: Fiston Mwanza Mujila from The Democratic Republic of Congo (Tram 83; 2015); South African novelist Songeziwe Mahlangu (Penumbra, 2014) and Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo (We Need New Names, 2013).
As winner, Jowhor Ile receives £15,000, an engraved Montblanc Meisterstück pen, an Etisalat sponsored book tour to three African countries.
He will also have an Etisalat-sponsored fellowship at the University of East Anglia, mentored by Professor Giles Foden, author of “The Last King of Scotland”.
The runners-up include; Jacqui L’Ange’s (South Africa) “The Seed Thief” and another Nigerian Juliet Iromuanya’s “Mr and Mrs Doctor”.