Cultural Factors That Can Improve The National Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria And Nigerians Positively

Cultural Factors That Can Improve The National Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria And Nigerians Positively


Culture encompasses the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language and laws held in common by a nation or a defined group of people. Culture therefore has a vital role in the life of an individual as well as in the society as a whole.

Nigeria is a country, which has its roots embedded in culture. Along with her diverse geographical location and richly endowed resources, her multi-ethnicity creates an environment of unique hospitality as well as varying communication styles.

Since culture accumulates, controls and organize the human experience as well as a country, it is therefore important to look into the cultural factors that can improve positively, the image or reputation of Nigeria and Nigerians.

Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria

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Economic Factors That Can Improve The National Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria And Nigerians Positively

Economic Factors That Can Improve The National Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria And Nigerians Positively


Many countries in the world in the world make great efforts towards building, sustaining and portraying a positive image of itself. This is necessary since a country’s image, to a great extent, determines the level of power, respect and influence it would command in the international community, and other benefits ranging from foreign direct investment to increased capital inflows. On the other hand, a country with an unpleasant reputation could experience antagonism even against its citizens, loss of relevant investments as well as degrading influence at home and abroad. In other words, by losing its positive national image, a nation is at risk of losing its dignity, trust and respect.

Nigeria’s national image or reputation has over the years has been negatively impacted by factors such as stunted growth and development of its economy, political instability, insecurity, unsavory behavior of some of its citizens, bad governance and mismanagement of resources, etc. This has resulted in the unpleasant and unacceptable treatment on the country and its citizens.

It is therefore necessary that appropriate measures are taken to improve the country’s image. However, in order to achieve this, certain key economic factors must be present, effective and monitored.

Economic Factors

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Political Factors That Can Improve The National Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria And Nigerians Positively

Political Factors That Can Improve The National Image Or Reputation Of Nigeria And Nigerians Positively


A lot of countries in the world demonstrate sensitivity, care and preservation of their national image or reputation expending vast resources in order to improve and maintain it at all levels. The perception of a country’s image influences its relevance and authority in the comity of nations. A positive image of a country attracts prestige, respect and investments. On the other hand, a country’s bad image would reduce its influence and deny it strategic benefits in the international political/economic system.

Nigeria has over the years made strategic efforts in order to create, portray and sustain a positive and appealing image – both nationally and internationally.

At this time, more work is still required to be done.

In order for Nigeria to improve its reputation on the positive side, certain political factors must be employed. The recognition and adherence to these factors can improve the reputation of the country. These factors include: an effective foreign diplomatic engagement, trustworthy media (public relations), security and commitment to good governance.

Reputation Of Nigeria

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Guide On How To Be Humane As A Nigerian (Songs)

This compilation attempts to provide a reliable guide on how to be humane (compassionate, well-meaning and kind) as a Nigerian through the recommendation of several relevant songs and their associated excellent messages therein.

Guide On How To Be Humane As A Nigerian (Songs)


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Guide On The Justification Of The Work On PositiveNaija [Faith, Hope And Love]

This piece attempts to provide a reliable guide on the justification of the work on PositiveNaija hinged on the core pillars of faith, hope and love.

work on PositiveNaija

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