World Peace Rebirth Initiative: Vision And Mission By Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise

The World Peace Rebirth Initiative is a none governmental organization that champions the cause for World Peace globally through the power of Articles, Peace Quotes and Peace Songs in collaboration with Philanthropists, Government Agencies and International Organizations advocating for Social Justice, Peace and Security to strengthen the World Foreign Policy and works voluntarily for UN Observers and UN Volunteer Online.

World Peace Rebirth Initiative: Vision And Mission By Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise

We’re advocating for UN Youth Sustainable Development Goals towards the World Youths futuristic goals that’s bent on sustainability of peace and security, which is the paramount our world revolves on with Peace Education and our proposed African UN Youth SDGs Global Peace Campaign Sensitization and Social Economic Development Projects to United Nations.

The World Peace Rebirth Initiative has recently profiled a workable Diplomacy to end Gaza Nuclear Warfare between Israel and Palestine as presented to World Leaders on UN Youth Affairs 2024 platform through the auspices of International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC), United Nations, European Union, African Union, NATO and the US President Joe Biden, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau amongst other World Leaders on this captivating subject: “PROPOSED LIGHTNING UP THE PATH TO GLOBAL JUSTICE FOR GAZA: AS A SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS” .

The World Peace Rebirth Initiative has played a sensitive rolls to have observed the US Election Campaign Violations 2024 considering the wrong timing of Court Proceedings and has worked tirelessly with various articles shared on social media platforms that gained the attention of US Supreme Court that granted Trump Presidential Immunity after writing 7 World Leaders including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to intervene and urging the US Government to maintain a peaceful Election Campaign Process that will strengthen patriotic Americans to vote their choiced candidates void of civil unrest.
Kindly Let us Know How Dr Charles Chidi Paradise, Your Ancestral, Educational and Professional Background ?
Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise, came from a royal family through the lineage of late King R. U. Mbalewe from his maternal home, carries with him a great regard for legacy with a Royal Bloodline and a vision to effect positive change due to his family’s long history of old traditions. His life’s effort has been dedicated to ushering regarding World Peace and long-lasting societal change.
The foundation for his investigation into the dynamics of human ideas and interactions was built by his graduation from Evangel Christian University of America with Second Class Honors in Sociology of Religion. As a result of his quest for education, he obtained a Degree Certificate in International Volunteering Level 2 from LPMV Training Center. Paradise’s never-ending search for knowledge and wisdom also led him to aspires for masters degree programs on peace and conflict management and International Human Right Law indicating his commitment to discovering solutions to the most pressing issues facing the globe.
Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise is the President and founder of World Peace Rebirth Initiative his work goes far beyond the world of academia. In addition to being a professor, he is a brilliant creative writer and musician. C. C. Paradise is the First African New York Music Star in the world history to have written 1000 Peace Quotes known as “DAILY NUGGETS ON PEACE”, he created a Peace Quotes Resource Center in various Social Media platforms where everyone can access thousands of free Peace Quotes for UN Global Peace Summits to complement the efforts of AU, EU, UN and US President amongst others on Global Peace Mission.
He is one of the African Nigerian UN Youth with aspiring Multi Billion Dollars Peace Projects tendered to UN and copied the White House lately, demonstrating the depth of his imagination. These sayings, drawn from the depths of his spirit, relate to the desire for peace that unites all people. With every word he writes, he creates a tapestry of peace that transcends ideological, geographical, and cultural barriers.
Even further is where Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise’s impact can be felt. He aligns his efforts with those of the United Nations by voluntarily giving his time and expertise to UN Volunteer Online and UN Observers. Amidst the intricate labyrinth of his unwavering dedication to the cause of peace, a tangible manifestation emerges in the form of his creation: the Peace Quotes Resource Center, an enigmatic repository that pulsates with the profound essence of tranquility. He has made a vast collection of free Peace Quotes available on numerous social media channels, providing inspiration for the UN Global Peace Summits through this project. His donations support the tireless work of groups like the AU, EU, UN, and World Leaders in their shared quest for a peaceful world.
C. C. Paradise assumes the leadership role of the World Peace Rebirth Initiative, a recognized NGO registered in Nigeria CAC. His goal of giving the principles of peace fresh life is reflected in the name of his organization. Under the umbrella of Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise, a movement aims to bring everyone on earth together around a single, shared goal. He creates a global tapestry of understanding, empathy, and coexistence by working with foreign groups to promote global harmony.
C. C. Paradise’s work illuminates the way to a better tomorrow—a paradise of peace and togetherness that transcends boundaries and enriches humanity, much like the dawn’s beams. A ray of hope and inspiration radiates from Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise in a world that is frequently characterized by upheaval and strife. C. C. Paradise is a man whose name alone conjures up feelings of calm and tranquility. His sojourn through the tapestry of life defies the mundane constraints of linearity, instead resembling a tumultuous odyssey, a kaleidoscope of swirling tempests composed of tireless toil, avant-garde innovation, and an insatiable, relentless quest for enlightenment. In the bewildering tapestry of his enigmatic odyssey, he forges cryptic gateways, serving as conduits to unfathomable societal metamorphoses, veiled in layers of mystique and bursting forth with an almost overwhelming tapestry of complexities.

Q2:You have managed to carve a niche for yourself as an artist operating at a global stage. Can you let us into your success story?
Within the vast, intricately woven tapestry of artists and peacemakers, one name gleams with an enchanting luminosity: Charles Chidi Paradise. His odyssey toward global artistic eminence unfurls as an entrancing epic, marked not solely by unwavering dedication and tireless toil, but by the concurrent emergence of an extraordinary force—an artisan of peace and harmony, whose influence radiates beyond the confines of convention.

At the core of C. C. Paradise’s triumphant voyage lies his magnum opus, “All We Need Is Peace,” a profoundly moving composition that stands as a commemorative ode to September 11 and an anthem to the unsung heroes safeguarding peace, whether they be the leader of the United States or the valiant UN Peacekeeping soldiers with his World Class single peace song “All We Need Is Peace” Meticulously crafted by none other than the esteemed Grammy Award Nominee Arty Sky of Skylab Music Group in New York, this masterpiece embodies the zenith of C. C. Paradise’s unparalleled artistic prowess.

Amidst the labyrinthine expedition of his musical journey, the revelation of his debut album on Reverbnation unfurls as an enigmatic rhapsody, propelling his career to the nebulous zeniths of artistic transcendence. Like celestial constellations, it births ethereal connections spanning continents, intricately weaving an enigmatic cosmic ballet—a symphony of global fan resonance, evoking the enigmatic allure of celestial bodies adrift in the boundless cosmos with one of his single sound track Memorial Song titled “Eternal Rest” a Tribute to Nelson Mandela.

However, one must not confine C. C. Paradise’s influence to the realm of music alone; it reverberates as an enigmatic, cosmic current—an ethereal force. His unselfish devotion entails the injection of temporal and spiritual energy into a wide range of groups and organizations, each of which shines like bright celestial lights on the way to world peace.

His active participation intricately weaves a multifaceted tapestry of involvement, extending its intricate threads across an array of projects, including UN Observers, UN Peacekeeping, and UNV Online This intricate web of engagements serves as the crucible that elevates him to the revered stature of a luminary, shining brilliantly within the constellation of the UN Youth SDGs Global Peace Campaign.

In the intricate tapestry of his philanthropic endeavors, Paradise adroitly wields the resonant force of peace quotes, kindling a fervor of inspiration among the world’s youth—an opulent testament to his unwavering commitment to the cause and his artistic virtuosity in orchestrating the harmonious symphony of peace .This breathtaking performance goes beyond the boundaries of our earthly world, sending shockwaves across space and evoking ethereal vibrations that touch the very core of our hearts.

Expanding his contributions, Charles Chidi Paradise authored “DAILY NUGGETS ON PEACE,” a treasury of wisdom distilled from the 1000 Peace Quotes he has diligently produced as a volunteer .His continuous commitment to the complicated world of international humanitarian aid efforts is revealed by these aphorisms, which are like complex mirrors. In their simultaneous operation, they act as wellsprings of inspiration, conduits for contemplative musings, and catalysts that beckon forth profound reflections, sparking intricate cerebral voyages of thought and introspection.
In an enchanting summons to readers, Paradise elegantly summons them to embark on a profound odyssey of contemplation, plunging deep into the boundless value of peace and its extraordinary potential for metamorphosis, all ignited by the alchemical magic of his artistic endeavors.

His aspirations, fueled by an unflinching spirit, rise above the ordinary and aim for the pinnacle of intellectual achievement—a master’s degree in international human rights law from the revered halls of Harvard University.This audacious expedition stands as a ringing memorial to his unwavering passion and his unwavering will to always add to his body of knowledge.

Within this enigmatic tapestry of purpose, his visionary aspirations stretch to the farthest realms of human ambition, envisioning a future where he ascends to the exalted roles of Country Director or UN Ambassador. As the virtuoso orchestrator of an epic symphony, he masterfully weaves together the intricate threads of peace and harmony, unfurling this celestial tapestry upon the expansive and interwoven stage of our global landscape, etching an indelible opus across the canvas of humanity’s collective consciousness.

His ambitions transcend the ordinary, reaching towards the pinnacle of intellectual achievement—an exalted master’s degree in international human rights law from the venerable halls of Harvard University. This huge project, which testify to his durable character, is a persuasion to unwavering loyalty and a relentless dedication to developing his mental toolkit.
Q3:You are one of the few Nigerian professionals serving as UN diplomat.kindly educate us more on your role as a UN peace envoy?
As an envoy of the United Nations, my multifarious obligations span a spectrum of intricately interwoven tasks, all of which coalesce towards the lofty objective of nurturing harmony and equilibrium in regions riddled with discord. My role, transcending the conventional boundaries of diplomacy, assumes the guise of an ethereal bridge, connecting disparate and warring factions, ceaselessly endeavoring to engender an atmosphere conducive to communication and profound comprehension.

At the epicenter of my responsibilities lies the labyrinthine realm of diplomatic negotiations, wherein not only the art of communication, but a profound mastery of the labyrinthine tapestry of grievances and dynamics that underpin conflict, is requisite. I toil assiduously to cultivate an environment that begets open dialogues, galvanizing the embroiled parties to unburden their apprehensions and articulate their soaring aspirations.

Yet, it is not only in the arena of negotiations that I perform a pivotal role. My line job duties also includes crafting and mediating the symphony of peace discussions, which often bring together a myriad of parties from the stern corridors of political authority to the rebellious peripheries of civil society. By erecting an impartial platform for discourse, I fervently aspire to guide these diverse entities toward the hallowed common ground, where resolutions to the core conundrums fueling strife may be meticulously etched.

An equally critical facet of my purview entails the artistry of peacebuilding, a canvas upon which strokes of reconciliation are painted, institutions fortified, and the verdant tendrils of development nurtured in the war-torn soil. In symbiosis with local governments and communities, I embark on a relentless quest to unearth the veins of economic growth, the sinews of social cohesion, and the rebirth of indispensable services.

Furthermore, my orchestration extends its symphony to a grand collaboration, a tapestry interwoven with the threads of UN agencies, non-governmental entities, and international cohorts. This collaborative crescendo elevates the efficacy of our peace initiatives, uniting disparate voices into a harmonious cacophony that capitalizes on the kaleidoscope of organizational strengths.

In the denouement, the core essence of my existence as a UN envoy of peace is to be found not only in the corridors of formal negotiation but also in the excavation of the bedrock causes of turmoil. This multifaceted odyssey seeks to birth an ecosystem, an all-encompassing crucible within which societies convalesce, advance, and ascend towards the zenith of enduring peace and inexorable development.

Q.4: What does it signify to be a luminary of artistry hailing from the heartland of Nigeria while concurrently donning the mantle of a diplomat under the UN banner, bearing in mind the ignominious cloud that certain compatriots have cast over the nation through their dalliance with criminality?

To wear the dual crowns of a Nigerian virtuoso and a UN emissary is to navigate a labyrinthine tapestry of profound significance, a chiaroscuro of light and shadow cast against the backdrop of Nigeria’s complex narrative. It is a duality that allows me to unleash the kaleidoscope of cultural diversity, creativity, and boundless talent that festoon our nation’s identity, transcending the aspersions cast by the inky headlines.

Simultaneously, as I unfurl the banner of Nigeria on the global stage as a UN diplomat, I embark upon a voyage to encapsulate our unwavering commitment to international synergy, peace, and advancement. This, a counterpoint to the somber strains of negativity, is an overture that underscores the invaluable contributions that Nigerians proffer to the global mosaic.

Addressing the web of concerns entangling criminality demands a united effort, a symphony that harmonizes the disparate chords of governmental and non-governmental actors. As a UN envoy, I find myself enmeshed in dialogues that traverse the labyrinthine terrain of governance efficacy, societal progress, and the intricate calculus of crime prevention, all of which are vivid brushstrokes illustrating Nigeria’s ardent quest for solutions.

In essence, the dual roles I embrace, as a maestro of Nigerian artistry and a luminary of the UN, empower me to choreograph a dance that reshapes Nigeria’s narrative. I am tasked with casting a spotlight upon the opulence of our culture, fostering mutual understanding, and tirelessly striving for a heightened portrayal on the global proscenium, where shadows recede, and the brilliance of Nigeria’s kaleidoscope takes center stage.



This is a sponsored post by World Peace Rebirth Initiative.

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