Itohan Tracy Igbe: Ọrọnfo By Toju Micheal Ogbe (An Autobiography)

Ọrọnfo is a first-of-its-kind autobiography authored by Toju Micheal Ogbe and in him, his life, his story is Ms. Itohan Tracy Ogbe (Ms. Itohan Hephzibah Deborah Igbe).

Itohan Tracy Igbe: Ọrọnfo By Toju Micheal Ogbe (An Autobiography)

Ms. Itohan Tracy Igbe is my mother and I am grateful to her for the life that I have today. My sister, Tani and my brother, Joshua, are her children.

She is the second person I am writing about on in this autobiography of mine.

My mother is a very kind, peaceful and patient soul as well as a believer in God.

She enjoys cooking; and is a wonderful caterer.

Her priority for kindness, peace, righteousness, diligence, positivity and self-awareness are what I have gained from her the most.

I remember fondly when I was very much younger, when we do attend Spirit and Life Bible Church – she was in the choir. We spend almost all day at church on Sundays and the night before Sunday, usually is a dramatic one because I would sometimes try delaying or feigning a headache to not go with her. She would just tell me while she is preparing that if I like, let me keep delaying but I must still go to church that day and that she is not going to be late. And then, I know that I must be in church that day; nothing stopping it. Sometimes, we are on a fasting programme – so no food before leaving the house.

She also did hide my video games in her wardrope with the keys ‘hidden’. Still, she allowed me play them a lot as a child; at least my academics were good and a big saving grace. I believe my love for computer games (Sega, Play Station 1, etc.) and games in general, helped me a lot in being more analytical. I played games like Metal Gear Solid (my favourite), Blade, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, PES, FIFA, Super Mario, Medal of Honour, etc.

My mother did not spare the rod when I erred nor hesitated to correct me when I spoke an incorrect word or pronunciation.

Her believe, sacrifice and support for me in life at every point has been endless and priceless. She gave me not just life but her life. I cannot thank her enough.

I thank her for her patience with me.

About the author

My name is Toju Micheal Ogbe and I a Nigerian and the Founder of PositiveNaija (Online News/Media Publishing and Art Museum).

I am passionate about the love of God.

My passion in life also includes: Art; Creativity; History; Diplomacy; Games and Competitions; Gifts and Gifting; Media and Journalism; Music; Progressive Development and Excellence; Research.

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